This page is mostly for folks learning Elm. It aggregates questions that are commonly asked on the Slack channel, the IRC channel, or Discourse. Those are all friendly and helpful places to go if you do not find the answer to your question here!
Contributions to this document are welcome!
This document is about the current version of Elm (0.19 / 0.19.1). See also the Elm 0.17 FAQ about upgrading to Elm 0.17. See the Elm 0.16 FAQ about that older version of Elm.
- What is the difference between type and type alias?
- Why does elm repl (or elm make) report “cannot find module ‘Html’”?
- How do I know what package name to use for elm install?
- How can I write debugging information to the console?
- How do I install an older version of Elm, 0.16 for example?
- What’s the difference between Html Msg and Html msg?
- How can I output literal HTML and avoid escaping of entities?
- What does () mean?
- What good is the <| operator if it is just function application?
- What are the Elm operator precedences and associativities?
- How can I use multiple Elm programs on the same page?
- Does the main module file have to be named “Main.elm”?
- Why, when I import a module that defines a type, does the compiler know about the type name but not its constructors?
- Where can I use type annotations?
- How can I join the elmlang.slack.com community?
- How can I recover when elm make fails with errors like “… openFile: does not exist”?
- How do I install an Elm package that has not been published to packages.elm-lang.org for use in my project?
- How can I parse Json into Elm data?
- How can I pass a record/object over ports?
- How can I report a compiler error message that could be better?
- Does Elm have HashMaps?
- Why does my app fail immediately with a console error of “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of null”?
- How can I load CSS (or other resources) in elm reactor?
- How can I integrate Elm development into a larger app with CSS files and other resources?
- How does one render an HTML node conditionally?
- Does Elm have ad-hoc polymorphism or typeclasses?
- Which special type variables are there, and how do they work?
- How can I change the value of a field in a record?
- How can I change the value of a nested field?
- How can I pattern match a record and its values at the same time?
- Where are the Cmd and Sub types defined?
- What is the difference between Cmd Msg and Cmd msg?
- Why does the compiler complain that “You are declaring port `someName` in a normal module.”?
- How do I generate a new message as a command?
- What is the difference between Cmd and Task?
- How do I build an onChange handler for a <select>?
- How do I prevent weird DOM behavior (cursor jumps, duplicate input, etc.) for input and textarea fields?
- How do I navigate to a new route from within a nested view, for example from a page view rather than the top level of my app?
- What is the recommended way to organize modules, file system structure, etc.?
- What is “elm-community”?
- What does the name “Elm” stand for?
- Can I upload a Native module to the package repository?
What is the difference between type
and type alias
defines and names a new type (which behaves like an enum with data
attached), and type alias
gives a name to an existing type.
type alias
isn’t creating a distinct type, it is literally just giving a name to an existing type. A type alias will save you keystrokes, but do nothing more. ref
Why does elm repl (or elm make) report “cannot find module ‘Html’”?
You need to install the Html module:
elm install elm/html
Several modules are available by default in the base Elm tools but other common modules like Html have to be installed in the working directory before they can be used in elm make
, elm repl
, and elm reactor
How do I know what package name to use for elm install
Search on package.elm-lang.org for the module name and use the package name that you find there.
How can I write debugging information to the console?
Wrap any value with Debug.log “some message”
and that message and the value will be written to the javascript console every time the value is evaluated. For example:
case Debug.log "action" action of
If you want to just log a message and value without using that value, try this in a let
_ = Debug.log "my message" someValue
Also see Debug.todo
which gets special treatment from the compiler to provide additional information in the output.
How do I install an older version of Elm, 0.16 for example?
npm install -g elm@0.16
If you need to switch between multiple versions of elm, consider elmenv.
What’s the difference between Html Msg
and Html msg
is a placeholder used when the HTML doesn’t send any messages of type Msg
(as in type Msg = ...
). This is just as a
is used as a placeholder in List a
when the list is of any type, rather than of strings (List String
) or integers (List Int
) etc.. msg
means “message of any type”.
How can I output literal HTML and avoid escaping of entities?
We used to use the innerHTML
property for this, but Elm 0.19 no longer allows that.
See issue #172 for discussion of the issue and possible solutions.
What does ()
It is the empty tuple or unit type. It serves much like void
, null
, or None
in other languages.
What good is the <|
operator if it is just function application?
It has lower precedence than function application expressed by adjacency (e.g. sqrt x
) and is right-associative, and so it can be used instead of parentheses to group function arguments. For example, a b ( c d )
is the same as a b <| c d
, and f ( g ( h x ) ) )
can be written as f <| g <| h x
. More concretely, max 3 (sqrt x)
can be written as max 3 <| sqrt x
. 1
Note: The <|
operator is essentially the same as $
in Haskell.
What are the Elm operator precedences and associativities?
See an Elm operator precedence table. See also Basics.elm.
How can I use multiple Elm programs on the same page?
You can compile multiple modules into a single elm.js and then instantiate whatever module you need on the appropriate div. 2 For example, bundle multiple main programs (without duplicating any code) into a single elm.js like this:
elm make Header.elm Footer.elm Login.elm --output=elm.js
and then use them like this:
var header = Elm.Header.init({ node: document.getElementById('header') });
var login = Elm.Footer.init({ node: document.getElementById('login') });
var footer = Elm.Login.init({ node: document.getElementById('footer') });
Use of multiple main modules in one application is discussed here and here.
Does the main module file have to be named “Main.elm”?
No, that is just a convention. Any module that binds main
to a value of type Program Never
can be an entry point to an Elm program.
For example, if both Foo.elm and Bar.elm contain an appropriate binding of main
compiling via elm make Foo.elm Bar.elm --output=elm.js
creates an elm.js file
such that both Elm.Foo.init({ node: someElement })
Elm.Bar.init({ node: someOtherElement })
can be used from the same HTML file.
Why, when I import a module that defines a type, does the compiler know about the type name but not its constructors?
You need to import the module in one of the following ways:
import MyModule exposing (MyType(..)) -- import type and constructors
import MyModule exposing (MyType) -- import only the type, but no constructors.
Similarly, the module itself may export none, or all of a type’s constructors.
module MyModule exposing (MyType(..)) -- exposes all constructors
module MyModule exposing (MyType) -- exposes only MyType, but no constructors.
Just exposing MyType
without the (..)
will leave the constructors undefined. There are reasons for keeping tags and record constructors secret.
Where can I use type annotations?
In addition to the top-level, type annotations can also be applied to let
hypotenuse : Float -> Float -> Float
hypotenuse a b =
sqrt (a^2 + b^2)
hypotenuse 3 4
How can I join the elmlang.slack.com community?
Sign up at elmlang.herokuapp.com.
How can I recover when elm make fails with errors like “… openFile: does not exist”?
That can happen when switching between elm versions. Try removing all of elm-stuff or just the build-artifacts:
rm -r elm-stuff/build-artifacts
How do I install an Elm package that has not been published to packages.elm-lang.org for use in my project?
Clone the package into a separate directory and add its directory path to the source-directories
section of the elm.json file for your project. As usual, you will also have to install any dependencies of the package.
How can I parse Json into Elm data?
Currently you have to write the parsing code. Other than for data passed over ports there is no automatic conversion (and even there, experts recommend writing the parser manually to be able to handle error cases).
How can I pass a record/object over ports?
You have to declare the type of each of its values.
port outgoing : { floatValue : Float, stringValue : String } -> Cmd msg
port incoming : ({ intValue : Int, stringValue : String } -> msg) -> Sub msg
How can I report a compiler error message that could be better?
Report the problem at the error-message-catalog issue tracker with a short, self-contained, correct, example showing both the program and the problematic error messages.
Does Elm have HashMaps?
The core Dict package provides a dictionary mapping unique keys to values. There are some restrictions on key value types; in particular, records cannot be keys.
Why does my app fail immediately with a console error of “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of null”?
Make sure that you are calling Elm’s javascript embed
function after the
referenced container has been defined in the HTML file.
Similarly, Elm’s fullscreen
function should be called only after the page body has started.
Good practice is to call embed
or fullscreen
at the end of the document body.
How can I load CSS (or other resources) in elm reactor?
It’s not easy. Elm reactor can serve CSS files and so you can write a custom HTML file that links in your CSS and the elm.js generated by Elm and then load that HTML file in elm reactor. But you have to generate the elm.js outside of elm reactor; it is not automatically built or rebuilt on changes to the Elm source.
When you click an Elm source file in elm reactor it compiles just that file (and any dependencies) and sends back the generated javascript which then runs and displays the full page view of the program. So to add any CSS you have to do it in the Elm program itself. Here is an example (thanks to @pdamoc):
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
withStyle html =
div []
[ node "style" [type_ "text/css"]
[text "@import url(https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.1.2/css/bulma.min.css)"]
, html
main =
div []
[ a [class "button is-primary"] [text "Primary"]
, a [class "button is-info"] [text "Info"]
|> withStyle
For a more comprehensive solution, see the next question.
How can I integrate Elm development into a larger app with CSS files and other resources?
Elm-reactor is not appropriate for that; it’s geared toward simple pure-Elm applications.
Consider using other hot-reload tools: elm-live, elm-hot-loader, elm-webpack-starter, gulp-elm, or devd.
How does one render an HTML node conditionally?
Use Html.text ""
as an empty element. E.g.
if someCondition then
Html.div [] [ {- ... some substantial Html value here ... -} ]
Html.text ""
Does Elm have ad-hoc polymorphism or typeclasses?
No. Elm provides three super-types that work like typeclasses:
, comparable
, and appendable
. 3
The Elm language does not allow for defining our own super-types.
The number
type comprises Int
and Float
The comparable
type comprises Int
, Float
, Char
, String
, List
, and tuples4.
The appendable
type comprises String
, List
, and text
When declaring types the names number
, comparable
and appendable
serve as prefixes. For example, a function declared as
f : number -> number -> String
means that f
can take two Int
values and return a String
, or two Float
values and return a String
. It cannot take a combination of Int
and Float
though; the actual types have to be consistent.
However, if declared as
f : number1 -> number2 -> String
then it can also take an Int
and a Float
and return a String
, or take a Float
and an Int
and return a String
. The prefix gives the super-type that constrains the corresponding particular argument. The full super-type name, special prefix plus arbitrary (optional) suffix, determines whether the actual types have to be consistent.
Why doesn’t Elm have user-defined typeclasses?
So far there have not been enough compelling cases to justify adding user-defined typeclasses to the language. See compiler issue #1039.
Which special type variables are there, and how do they work?
There are four special type vairables, which are number
, comparable
, appendable
, and compappend
. Please see question Does Elm have ad-hoc polymorphism or typeclasses? for the details.
These built-in type variables work differently from the ones defined by user defined. The main difference is these built-in type variables can only mean what they are defined to mean. For example:
type alias PlusFn t =
{ fn: t -> t -> t
It defines a type alias PlusFn
which has one field fn
which is a function that accepts two parameters which are of type t
, and return a value of the same type. So, we can define any function which take two arguments and return one value, as long as they are of the same type, as the value of the fn
> PlusFn (\x y -> x + y)
{ fn = <function> } : Repl.PlusFn number
> PlusFn (\x y -> x ++ y)
{ fn = <function> } : Repl.PlusFn appendable
However, if we change the name t
to any built-in type variable, it will work differently. Let’s say we change t
to number
, then fn
must operate on number
, i.e. either Int
or Float
. Since Int
and Float
don’t support (++)
operation, so the following code will not be valid any more:
> PlusFn (\x y -> x ++ y)
-- TYPE MISMATCH --------------------------------------------- repl-temp-000.elm
The argument to function `PlusFn` is causing a mismatch.
4| PlusFn (\x y -> x ++ y)
Function `PlusFn` is expecting the argument to be:
number -> number -> number
But it is:
appendable -> appendable -> appendable
How can I change the value of a field in a record?
Strictly speaking, you can’t. Record values (like all Elm values) are immutable. However, you can copy a record value and change one or more of its field values while doing so. Here is an example in elm repl:
> x = { name = "Chris", age = 30 }
{ name = "Chris", age = 30 } : { name : String, age : number }
> y = { x | age = x.age + 1 }
{ name = "Chris", age = 31 } : { name : String, age : number }
> y
{ name = "Chris", age = 31 } : { name : String, age : number }
> x
{ name = "Chris", age = 30 } : { name : String, age : number }
How can I change the value of a nested field?
For example, given model = { foo = { bar = 1 } }
, how does one update the value of the bar
The expression { model | foo.bar = 2 }
will not compile.
Here is an expression that returns a copy of model
with model.foo.bar
let foo = model.foo in { model | foo = { foo | bar = 2 } }
Or, perhaps more clearly, like this:
let fooBefore = model.foo in { model | foo = { fooBefore | bar = 2 } }
If you need to do this in more than one place, another way is to use a helper function:
{ model | foo = updateHelp model.foo 2 }
updateHelp foo int =
{ foo | bar = int }
How can I pattern match a record and its values at the same time?
You can use a special notation in function definition to pattern match a record and its values at the same time:
changeFooBar ({foo} as model) =
{ model | foo = { foo | bar = 2 } }
See this post
Where are the Cmd
and Sub
types defined?
They are defined in the core Platform.Cmd and Platform.Sub modules.
What is the difference between Cmd Msg
and Cmd msg
Cmd Msg
is a type of command where the resulting messages are of type Msg
Cmd msg
is a more general type of command where the resulting message type is not known. It could just as well be written as Cmd a
or Cmd x
Why does the compiler complain that “You are declaring port `someName` in a normal module.”?
Any module using ports must start with port module
on the first line.
How do I generate a new message as a command?
The following function constructs a Cmd
value from a message:
message : msg -> Cmd msg
message msg =
Task.perform identity (Task.succeed msg)
However, this is often unnecessary. To handle a message produced by a call to update
you may pass it straight back to update
recursively. The package ccapndave/elm-update-extra provides helper functions for implementing this approach elegantly.
The latter approach is likely to be more efficient in most cases. The former option may be attractive when recursive calls to update
could cause an infinite loop, or for authors of reusable components interested in creating a clean encapsulation of their library’s internal behavior.
What is the difference between Cmd
and Task
is just a bag (i.e. multiset) of chunks of data. It is a functor, but it is not applicative or monadic. This means all you can do is apply a function to all the entries in the bag withmap
and add to the bag withbatch
. -
is a way doing things in sequence. It is monadic, meaning it has anandThen
in the API. This means you can say “Do X, and depending on the result, do Y or Z.” From there you can keep chaining things.
The point of this bag of commands is that you can gather all the things that need to happen from your whole app and get them done. The point of a task is to describe a particular thing you want to happen.6
If you need to do any kind of chaining stuff, use Task
, and don’t turn your task chain into a Cmd
until you have no more chaining stuff to do.
This is why APIs generally expose Task
instances rather than Cmd
: so you can do all the chaining you like, and you’re in charge of finishing the job and turning whatever chain you’ve constructed into a Cmd
How do I build an onChange
handler for a <select>
See Building custom DOM event handlers in Elm for some examples of event handlers.
How do I prevent weird DOM behavior (cursor jumps, duplicate input, etc.) for input and textarea fields?
This is a known issue or set of issues, see discussion and workarounds here and here.
How do I navigate to a new route from within a nested view, for example from a page view rather than the top level of my app?
The elm/browser/Browser.Navigation module is the standard for managing browser navigation from within Elm. For changing the URL, you can either use newUrl
(which adds to the browser’s history) or replaceUrl
(which doesn’t). In either case, you pass it the new URL (String
), and get back a Cmd msg
Typically, on the page where you want to do the navigation (say on clicking a button), you will have
button [ onClick (NavigateTo Route.SomeRoute) ] [ text "go" ]
and in your update
case msg of
NavigateTo route ->
( model, Browser.Navigation.replaceUrl (Route.routeToString route) )
where Route.routeToString
converts your Route type to a URL (string). This is often moved to a helper function in your Route
case msg of
NavigateTo route ->
( model, Route.modifyUrl route )
You only need to define a NavigateTo
update branch as outlined above, wherever in your app you need to handle browser navigation, and it just works.
Why does this work?
The handling of URL changes within your app is already defined at the top level through Browser.application
(which adds an implicit subscription). So replaceUrl
and newUrl
don’t call a certain message when they are done. It works regardless of the concrete Cmd Msg
type of your update, because Cmd msg
satisfies any Msg
type. (Similar to how you can use generic Html msg
in any Html Msg
Here are some more in depth resources on URL parsing and navigation.
- The Elm SPA example follows the pattern described here, see for example the Editor page.
- Choosing the right Elm SPA Architecture
- More on SPA navigation in Elm: Keep current page and browser bar in sync, and add data to routes
What is the recommended way to organize modules, file system structure, etc.?
There is not one definitive way to do it. Generally, a module in Elm is organized around a data structure relevant to the domain rather than abstracted functions (such as putting all your view or update functions together). See Evan’s recommendations here.
I suspect the heart of a great module in Elm is a data structure. A type or type alias that represents some important and coherent concept. From there, you have functions for working with that data structure. A good test for which functions to include might be to ask: does this function make sense if I only read this module?
For a more detailed approach to code organization for Single Page Applications (SPAs), check out NoRedInk’s style guide.
And for a fully worked example of a simple SPA, see Richard Feldman’s Elm implementation of the “Realworld” app and his tour through it.
What is “elm-community”?
See the Elm-community Manifesto. The elm-community organization came about when some useful packages were no longer being maintained by their creators. The organization formed to make a new home for those packages. Elm-community packages are not inherently more reliable than others but are perhaps more likely to be supported in the long run. Elm-community packages are not a staging area for core.
What does the name “Elm” stand for?
It’s just a name, not an acronym, and it’s not capitalized as “ELM” either. See this elm-discuss message for Evan’s explanation of the name.8
Can I upload a Native module to the package repository?
No, you cannot. The rationale for that policy is explained in this Google groups thread about the Foundation for planning “native” APIs in 0.17 and in this later followup thread about Reframing “native” code as “kernel” code. Those are linked from a Reddit post about An explanation of Elm’s policy on “native code”.
Function application and the
operator are discussed at some length here. ↩ -
There is also
in the compiler but it does not appear to be exposed for use. ↩ -
Tuple comparison is supported only for tuples with 6 or fewer entries. ↩
The compiler error messages refer to
being appendable; not sure whattext
means though. [FCY] ↩ -
From Evan’s #elm-dev Slack posting, 2016-05-16. ↩
From rtfeldman’s #elm-dev Slack posting, 2016-05-16. ↩
But I still think it’s an anagram of Evan’s ML. [FCY] ↩